Thursday, August 15, 2013

Introducing Paige Nicole

So you have probably noticed a bunch of changes to the site, and they all mean one thing  - 


Yup, I'm officially a big brother.  Let me introduce you to Paige Nicole...or as I like to say "MY Paige"

Here's her very first picture:

Which was quickly followed by others:

Daddy brought me to the hospital to visit Paige and Mommy.  I was so very excited and proud!

Mommy dressed her in the same outfit I wore on my first trip home:

And she took the same "arrival pictures" too.  You'll notice that the "going home" outfit didn't make it home...Paige decided she preferred the shirt she'd been wearing originally (Mommy called it "spitting up", I call it "blazing a new trail"):

We've all been settling into a new routine - which for Paige means lots of sleeping (at least during the day!)

Well, that's all for now!  Mommy will post about the rest of my month soon!

July 2013

July was a jammed packed month, full of lots of fun things (even before Paige got here!).

 It started with a trip to Nana and Pappy's for the 4th of July.  I was watching Mommy pack, and asked her what she was doing.  She said she was putting things in the suitcase that she wanted to take up to Nana and Pappy's.  So what was my next step?  Put myself and my blankets in too of course!

This year the fireworks were a little scary, so we didn't get any good pictures, but Mommy and I went back to the car to read, and things got much better.

My New Fishtank

Guess what!?!  I have some new pets!  I've been fascinated with fish for a while now, so Mommy and Daddy finally decided I was old enough for my very own aquarium.  We got out the old fish tank, cleaned it up and decorated it.  I got to help a lot.  I put the decorations and gravel in all by myself:

Then we went to the store and I picked the fish out myself (sort of...I was distracted by some puppies).  I was SOO excited when I got them home.

Again, Mommy says she's very sorry for the buzzing noise.

Riding My Tricycle

The last big thing is that I learned how to ride my trike.  It came out of nowhere.  Usually I like to glide when Mommy or Daddy push me, but one day I got on and realized I could pedal for myself!  Mommy and Daddy took me to the park to practice.  I got to ride all around the tennis courts all by myself. 


Meeting a Fuzzy Caterpillar

One Saturday morning, Daddy went out to get breakfast and found a visitor on our front porch.   It was a great way to start the day...Who doesn't love playing with a fuzzy caterpillar?

Since it was hot on the front porch, we decided to bring the little guy to the back deck where it was cooler.  He was fast!  I got a kick watching him head for the grass.