Thursday, August 15, 2013

Introducing Paige Nicole

So you have probably noticed a bunch of changes to the site, and they all mean one thing  - 


Yup, I'm officially a big brother.  Let me introduce you to Paige Nicole...or as I like to say "MY Paige"

Here's her very first picture:

Which was quickly followed by others:

Daddy brought me to the hospital to visit Paige and Mommy.  I was so very excited and proud!

Mommy dressed her in the same outfit I wore on my first trip home:

And she took the same "arrival pictures" too.  You'll notice that the "going home" outfit didn't make it home...Paige decided she preferred the shirt she'd been wearing originally (Mommy called it "spitting up", I call it "blazing a new trail"):

We've all been settling into a new routine - which for Paige means lots of sleeping (at least during the day!)

Well, that's all for now!  Mommy will post about the rest of my month soon!

July 2013

July was a jammed packed month, full of lots of fun things (even before Paige got here!).

 It started with a trip to Nana and Pappy's for the 4th of July.  I was watching Mommy pack, and asked her what she was doing.  She said she was putting things in the suitcase that she wanted to take up to Nana and Pappy's.  So what was my next step?  Put myself and my blankets in too of course!

This year the fireworks were a little scary, so we didn't get any good pictures, but Mommy and I went back to the car to read, and things got much better.

My New Fishtank

Guess what!?!  I have some new pets!  I've been fascinated with fish for a while now, so Mommy and Daddy finally decided I was old enough for my very own aquarium.  We got out the old fish tank, cleaned it up and decorated it.  I got to help a lot.  I put the decorations and gravel in all by myself:

Then we went to the store and I picked the fish out myself (sort of...I was distracted by some puppies).  I was SOO excited when I got them home.

Again, Mommy says she's very sorry for the buzzing noise.

Riding My Tricycle

The last big thing is that I learned how to ride my trike.  It came out of nowhere.  Usually I like to glide when Mommy or Daddy push me, but one day I got on and realized I could pedal for myself!  Mommy and Daddy took me to the park to practice.  I got to ride all around the tennis courts all by myself. 


Meeting a Fuzzy Caterpillar

One Saturday morning, Daddy went out to get breakfast and found a visitor on our front porch.   It was a great way to start the day...Who doesn't love playing with a fuzzy caterpillar?

Since it was hot on the front porch, we decided to bring the little guy to the back deck where it was cooler.  He was fast!  I got a kick watching him head for the grass.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Spring 2013

Greetings and salutations!  I know it's been ages, so no excuses - on with the show!

March came in like a lion – complete with a sort of actual snow storm. The weather man said that it was supposed to be a huge blizzard, so Mommy and Daddy took a snow day (well, Mommy tried, but I mostly spent the day with Daddy). 

First, we pulled out the “puffballs” to do some crafts.  Mommy was upstairs and heard what sounded like a whole lot of laughter for some simple crafts, so she came to investigate…  this is what she came downstairs to:

Later that day I bundled up (not taking PJs off of course – after all, what good is a snow day if you can’t spend the whole day in your fleecy pajamas?) and went out to try to play in the snow. As you can see, the “blizzard” turned out to be a bit of an overstatement. It was wet and sleeting, and there wasn’t much snow, but I was determined to have a good time anyway!

(Mommy says sorry about the buzing in this and some other videos - time for a new phone!)
New playground

A few days later the weather got a whole lot nicer, and we all went to the park.  After being pent up so long, I was ready for some serious outdoor playtime!  Mommy, Daddy and I went to the playground where I got to slide down the big slide all by myself!


A few days before Easter, I got all dressed up to get my picture taken with the Easter Bunny.  Unfortunately, the silly Bunny was a no-show!  I was very sad that I didn’t get to say hi, but the Mall playground was a good distraction.  After the playground and walking around the Mall hoping he was just late, Mommy and I headed back home.  
When we got back, Mommy started making me lunch.  I decided to keep her company while drawing a very special bunny picture


The next day I got something in the mail that definitely help me get over the fact that I got stood up by the Easter Bunny.  Pop-pop and Mama sent me a great Easter present – a Snoopy airplane and a bunny snow globe.  Mommy tried to get a picture of me playing with them, but I was so excited I wouldn’t stand still for her!  I still pull them out to play with all the time.

On Easter Eve Day I got to dye my very first eggs!  Nana gave me my very own egg dyes and trusted me enough to paint my own eggs without making a complete mess!  I can’t wait until next year!

Relaxing and playing
After Easter we went back to our usual weekend routine of going on adventures in the park, then coming back for a snack and some relaxation before naptime.  One chilly morning in early April after a trip to the park we were having a snack watching an episode of Caillou (my absolute favorite show), when I decided my feet were cold.  Mommy suggested I get up and get my slippers.  The problem was that I was really pretty comfy on Mommy’s lap.  The solution to the problem – I just reached down and “borrowed” the slippers right off of Mommy’s feet!



Later that day Daddy and I were reading “peek a who” – I love this book so much I can read it myself!  Mommy thought that would be a good thing to capture on film, but as she soon found out, once I see the camera all bets are off.  Why read when I can ham it up for my audience?

On the nicer days in April, Daddy started to “Spring Clean” the garden.  Well, as you can see, I’m old enough now that I can actually be a help!  I love to dig and pull weeds – two things that were important early on in the garden.

Some of the most fun I had in April was the day that me and Mommy played what she called “hookey” and took a day off to go to the Baltimore Aquarium with Uncle Chuck and Grandma Louise.  It was a beautiful day, and we had SO MUCH FUN!  I loved running around to check everything out, and was especially fascinated by the dolphins!


I had such a blast I wore myself out completely.  Mommy parked on the 6th floor of the parking garage.  I was asleep before she even got to the street (and was still out cold when we got home an hour later)!


Sometimes we actually do stay home and play in our yard.   When we do, I almost always insist we play bubbles.  I have a hippo bubble maker that makes tons of bubbles at one time for me to chase.  Much more productive than a single bubble wand!

General fun time
We weren’t up to anything special for the first part of May - just trips to the playground, painting, and other fun explorations.  Check it out:
Taking the path through the woods to get to the “far” playground.
  Swinging with daddy
Playing with puff flowers
Painting on the back deck
Taking over Mommy and Daddy’s bed on a lazy Saturday afternoon!
Being a total goofball when I *should* have been going to bed nicely for Daddy!
Going to the Fair!
One weekend Mommy and Daddy kept telling me they had a “surprise” for me.  They asked me if I knew what a “fair” was.  Well, I gotta say – I didn’t, but their description sounded fun.  And the fair itself definitely didn’t disappoint!
As we walked to the “far” playground (which Mommy says is at the local Elementary School), I started to get an idea that something wasn’t the same as usual.


They had lots of games I could play.  The one I was most interested in was this cool game where a ball floated magically in the air and I could use it to practice by baseball skills!


I tried the bouncy pirate ship too. It was fun, but it was also a little too big and new so I didn’t stay too long…

I did get a prize for my baseball prowess – and once I figured out what it did I was hooked (and Mommy says sorry again for the buzzing noise)
Kite Flying
The next weekend was BEE-U-TI-FUL!  and turned into perfect kite flying weather.  Daddy had taken me to the park a few weeks ago and I got to see other people flying their kites.  However, this particular weekend, Mommy and Daddy surprised me with my very own kite!  I decided right away that I HAD to be the one to fly it – none of this only “helping” Mommy and Daddy.  To their surprise, I was actually pretty good at it!
Flower garden
Sometimes Mommy and Daddy take me to the local farmer’s market.  Next to that there’s a flower garden that was just starting to reach it’s Spring peak.  It was so pretty, and I loved stopping to smell the roses (and peonies) J

Memorial Day Parade
Even though I wasn’t feeling very well (I was getting my next Molars!), Mommy and Daddy thought that it would be fun to go to the local parade.  They were right!  While we were waiting for the parade to start I got to play soccer with Daddy.


Daddy saw Mommy taking pictures and pointed it out to me.  Of course, I had to stop what I was doing and ham it up for the camera.

Then when the parade started we went back to our seats for a better view.  It was so much fun to watch the fire trucks, the dancers, even a dragon!  (Mommy says to tell you I had way more fun than the video shows!)

Finding butterflies
On one of our afternoon trips to the park, Mommy and I got to the edge of the woods and were surprised by tons of butterflies flitting around having fun!  Needless to say, we never did make to the actual playground that day – the flutterbyes were way more interesting (the buzzing is Mommy's camera, not the bugs!)

Playing in the pool

 One really warm day, Mommy surprised me with the fact that I have my very own hippo pool!  While Mommy finished blowing it up, Daddy set up the sprinkler for me to play with.  I didn’t remember sprinklers from last year at first, but I warmed up to it quickly. 

Then inspiration struck.  Why run through it myself when I can get a Daddy-horsey to do all the running through the water for me?


 Playing with the pool itself. 

Mommy and Daddy eventually had to pull me out against my will because (according to them) spending an hour in the water, turning blue and chattering is a sign that “it’s time for a break”.   Maybe they were right, maybe not… I’ll never tell.  J  Mommy says a picture is worth 1,000 words though.  Rather than playing in the basement after lunch as usual, I figured hanging on the couch with Daddy watching golf was a much better idea.  I swear I wasn’t too tired to play!  I just thought Daddy could use the company


Singing at the rain

 As always, pretty pretty weekends can’t last forever.    Last weekend I had to break out my powers of “rain go away!” in order to make the most of a very rainy weekend.  I find that if I sing “rain rain, go away” long enough, the sun will eventually come out!  By the time Mommy got the camera, the song had devolved a bit, but that’s only because I’d already sung it a full three time!  Mommy says it’s still pretty cute though. J  (and the magic worked once again – the rain was supposed to last all day but the sun came out by mid-afternoon!)
Well, that catches me up for now.  I should have one more blog post before my little sister comes - I'll have to at least share what I do over the 4th of July!  After that - stay tuned for big changes! 
(Spoiler Alert:  Mommy says she's going to redesign the site so that both my sister and I can share the page, but the address will stay the same.)